Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dream Hair

Today I was reading about the recurrent hair dreams many people with alopecia experience. I confess to feeling a bit sheepish. I've only had one dream. In my dream I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when the panel of large round white bulbs over the mirror reflected a couple of wiry white hairs under my chin. I was horrified!

"No...NO!"I screeched. I tried to rub them off with a wash cloth. I looked in vain for a tweezers in the cabinet...but I'd thrown them all away when my hair fell out. "Not goat-chin hair! Please, God, not the chin hair! I LIKE being bald! No more chicken-butt hair in the morning. When I'm hot I dunk my head under the nearest faucet, shake it dry and walk away cool and refreshed. No more feeling like a cranky bear when hair gets in my eyes. No more spending money lining the pockets of hair care product gurus. I'm free. I'm comfortable. I'm happy. Send it to someone who wants it, Poppa God, 'cause I don't miss it and I don't want it back...especially the chin wire!"

I woke up, stumbled to the bathroom, turned on the lights and checked every inch of my head. Not a hair in sight. "Whew!" I exhaled unaware I'd been holding my breath. I eased my head under tepid water from the sink faucet drying it gently and lovingly with the fluffy bath towel behind the door.

One last look to be sure I hadn't missed an errant hair and I padded back to bed, thinking this hair dream must mean I'm inherently lazy, and more concerned with my creature comfort than my appearance or the opinions of others. I paused, considering whether I should be bothered by such an attitude. I yawned; decided I couldn't be bothered to be bothered, and fell back to sleep. Hairless dreamless delightful sleep.